Friday, January 29, 2010

Government is Watching

Privacy is rapidly disappearing. Step by step, citizens are permitting their governments to observe and regulate that which should be private activities. In 2010, it has been reported that privacy in the Netherlands has been drastically reduced.

Citizens have become accustomed to receiving speeding fines which are generated by ever-present cameras and radar machines located along many thoroughfares. This policy was accepted by the citizens because it seemed to be both civilized and efficient.

It didn’t take long however for the ever-present cameras to take on a new responsibility. The country’s police forces began using automatic recognition systems to spot car number plates which match people with criminal records. This gradual increase in privacy invasion was accepted because it was promoted as a way to find and catch the unlawful segments of the population. Initially, the police destroyed evidence of all license plates that were not tied to known criminals.

Recently however, police forces have been retaining all license numbers of automobiles traveling on certain roads. As a result, a large number of ordinary, law-abiding citizens are being placed on police records even though they have done nothing wrong. What is the justification for such an increase in privacy invasion? The police want to create a data base on citizens who utilize certain roads too often. This new policy is permitting government to restrict activities and infringe on the privacy and rights of all citizens, criminals or not. With this information, the government will have the means and the power to restrict driving time, as well as to tax citizens on the distances they drive.

But that's in the Netherlands, you might say. That's not happening here in America. Well, next time you get in you car, take a look around. There are traffic-monitoring cameras at nearly every intersection and every toll booth. The infrastructure is in place. All it takes for a similar policy to come to your door step, is for some government official to sign his name on a privacy-changing new policy. It could happen here overnight.

Little by little, we give up our rights and our privacy. With every concession, we the citizens, become weaker and weaker, and our governing authorities become stronger and stronger. Read “Shadow Truth: The Ultimate Deception” by Larry J Tate to find out just how much you and I have compromised that which we hold dear. Not only will you have your eyes opened up to situations that are going on right under your nose, but you will find out how easily you can reverse those grievous wrongs. To order your copy, find Shadow Truth description in the right-hand column in this blog.

Monday, January 25, 2010

A Gift for my Wife

One day I found myself in the search of my life,
While trying to find the best gift for my wife.

What shall it be? I asked myself,
Should it be something to put on a shelf?

How shall it look? I’d like to get her something divine.
Should it be something that has lots of sparkle and shine?

I know the answer, said a friend while giving me a wink,
A husband can never go wrong by giving a gift of pink.

Alas however, my well-laid plans went awry.
She wasn’t happy at all when I gave her the pink eye.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lift Up Israel Now

It’s good to believe that Israel holds a special place in God’s heart. It’s good to feel pride when you see Israel defy its enemies and hold fast to the land that God gave to the Jewish people. But beyond that, what can you do? There are things you can do that will make a real difference for the future of Israel.1. You can join groups that support Israel such as, Christians United for Israel (CUFI).2. You can talk to friends, relatives and business associates about Israel’s place in God’s Kingdom.3. You can communicate with your Senators and Representatives about how they should enact law that is favorable to the Nation of Israel.4. You can talk to members of local Jewish groups to help you understand the needs of Israel.Don’t just sit on the side lines. Get involved. Take to heart the scripture: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Genesis 12:3 (KJV). Read "The Journey."

God's Existence

Do you ever wonder if God truly exists? Even the most secure Christian may have days when he wonders about the existence of God. Wouldn’t it be convenient if you could see God at least once, and have a face-to-face communication with him? Is there anything other than blind faith that can bolster a person’s belief that God does in fact, exist?

First and foremost, faith in the unseen God is of utmost importance. Faith has no equal. Faith is the prerequisite to a walk with God, and is necessary for salvation. With that aside, are there any proofs of God’s existence? Yes, there are many; some of which will be described in this blog. Many men have attempted to prove God’s existence. A few of them are, Blaise Pascal, Thomas Aquinas, Anselm of Canterbury, St. Augustine, Rene Descartes, Avicenna and William Paley.

After examining these proofs, you should obtain the book, Conversations with a Stranger: A Search for God, written by Larry Tate. A good number of proofs about God’s existence are combined into one entertaining and easy-to-read novel about a man’s mission to find out for himself if God truly exists. He eventually finds the evidence he is looking for, but he does not find it where he was expecting to find it. Go to for more information on this enlightening and entertaining book.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Happiness: What is it?

A recent poll found that Denmark has the happiest people in the world, while the United States ranks number sixteen on the list. However, before you pack your bags and move to Denmark, perhaps you should consider a few other statistics.

Denmark has a higher robbery rate than does the United States.

Denmark has a higher assault rate than does the United States.

Denmark has a higher total crime rate than does the United States.

Denmark has a higher suicide rate than does the United States. As a matter of fact, in the age group of 64 to 75, Denmark ranks #1 in the world for suicide.

How can these disturbing statistics be reconciled with Denmark being the happiest nation in the world? Why would the “happiest” people in the world be so prone to commit crime? Why would the “happiest” people in the world want to kill themselves? The answer may not be too difficult to find.

The questions in the study asked about six forms of positive feelings felt by the people in the last day. They were asked questions like: Did you enjoy something you did yesterday? Were you proud of something you did yesterday? Did you learn something yesterday? Were you treated with respect yesterday?

All of the questions referred to recent good feelings. The term, “recent” implies temporary. It appears that their answers referred mostly to health, prosperity, low unemployment and education. Missing from this list, were references to family, purpose and belief in God.

The “happiest” nation in the world has a much lower rate of marriage than does the United States. A lower marriage rate naturally points to fewer family relationships. This situation probably results in less attachment to one’s mate, and less closeness to one’s children.

This poll is obviously flawed. People no longer understand what the term, “happiness” means. They are confusing happiness with another emotion. To learn what happiness really is, and is not, read the book, “Shadow Truth: The Ultimate Deception” by Larry J Tate.

Monday, January 18, 2010

A Bug's Life

I found myself at a pleasant stage of life as I was nearing the age of sixty-one. Long before, at the youthful age of twenty-one, I’d made bold plans to reach the age of a hundred and one. Knowing that a person’s health reflects what they eat, I determined in my mind to eat a diet composed of a healthy combination of bread, vegetables, fruit and meat. Just in case I overlooked anything, I took vitamins and minerals as if they were a life-ring. Consuming every good nutrient I could see, I had a head start in the control of my destiny. Exercise was important I had to admit, so I chose a daily jogging program with which to keep me fit.
For forty long years, I ate all the right foods and I ran like Forrest Gump. By following the laws of nature and having fun I felt assured that I would reach my lofty goal of the age of a hundred and one. Making sure nothing was ignored; I even attended church and worshipped the Lord.
I was reminded of the lowly little bug. Not having much intelligence the bug still follows the laws of God. By obeying the law of nature, he can’t possibly go wrong. By following his God-given instincts he lives a long life and stays strong. In his own way, the bug is worshipping the Lord.
At the age of nearly sixty-one, I was healthy as a horse and strong as an ox. I needed no doctors and never used a pillbox. I was proud of my wisdom and deft determination. To my sickly friends who weren’t very strong, I was quick to tell them where they’d gone wrong. “Observe the laws of nature,” I’d say. “And you can be as healthy as me.”
Then one ordinary and peaceful afternoon, a frightening wake-call interrupted my calm and healthy life. My heart was in trouble and possibly done. Off to emergency I went, wondering where the laws of nature had gone wrong. Bright lights were shining on me and my sickbed, as doctors and nurses hovered over me while scratching their heads. Embarrassingly I found myself undressed, and lots of wires were attached to my heaving chest. Drip lines were hung overhead, sending life-saving liquids coursing through my veins.
“Why did this happen to me,” I asked a nurse. “I’ve done all the right things, eaten the right foods and exercised my heart. And to top it all off, I regularly worship the Lord.”
“I’m so sorry about your predicament,” answered the nurse. “You’ve got a condition that your healthy lifestyle simply cannot overcome. The problem is in your genes. Unfortunately, your heart is subjected to family history.”
Protesting very loudly I asked, “Why did I bother living right since the age of twenty-one? Did I waste my time by exercising my heart? I may as well have spent my time eating potato chips and ice cream.”
“Oh no,” answered the compassionate nurse. “You were doing all the right things. Had you not eaten the right foods and exercised your heart, this condition may have hit you by the age of forty-one.”
Not satisfied with the nurse’s answer, I turned to the Lord and asked, “Why me, Lord? Why did you give me this wake-up call? I’ve done all the right things and followed the laws of God. I’ve eaten the right foods and I’ve kept my body trim. There isn’t a detail I’ve ignored. I’ve even attended church and worshipped you. Lord, I feel like you’ve thrown me a cruel curve ball.”
Did the Lord answer me while I lay in my bed? I don’t know, but the following thoughts came rushing through my head. “I’ve sent you many messages,” the Lord did say. “Through preachers and teachers I’ve shown you the way. The passages in my Word were directed right at you. You are living a bug’s life, from my point of view. Since you gave my messages no heed, I determined that a wake-up call is exactly what you need.”
“What’s missing?” I asked. “What have I ignored? I do what’s right. I even worship the Lord.”
“You’re thinking like a bug,” answered the Lord. “He follows the laws of nature, and in his own way, even he worships the Lord. Think about the messages that have gone right over your head. I gave you an important mission and a goal to work toward.”
“But I’m a Christian,” I protested. “And one of good accord. I regularly go to church and I worship the Lord.”
“You’re living a good life,” answered the Lord. “And there’s no doubt that you’ve been worshipping me. But there’s so much more I want from you. My universal mission, you have completely ignored. My son, church attendance does not a Christian make. Such short-sightedness causes my heart to ache.”
“Lord,” I asked. “What is the mission I must do? What can be more important than worshipping you?”
“Your mission is not inside the church house door. The life of a Christian should be so much more. If you truly want to worship me, outside the church building is where you ought to be. Winning the lost is the place to start. It isn’t likely that you’ll find lost and hungry souls inside the church house door. But my son, there’s even more. There’s plenty for you to do outside the church house door. Visiting the fatherless and widows should be your soul’s intent. They’re in great need of help and encouragement. Feed the hungry, give them a drink. They need your help more than you think. Many are in need outside the church house door. They need warmth and clothing and so much more. Visit the sick and even those in the prison ward. Then you’ll be serving the Lord.”
I lay there in my bed with surprise on my face. “Lord, I’ve ignored many of your teachings, perhaps all. Now I understand why you gave you this wake-up call.”
Just as I finished talking to the Lord, a doctor walked in with his face aglow. “Your heart’s much better now. I’m letting you go.”
Back home, I had a new perspective to dwell upon No longer was I obsessed with reaching the age of a hundred and one. Whether I make it to the age seventy-one or a hundred and two, I’ve got a God-given mission to do.
I will never forget that life-changing day, when a disturbing wake-up call came my way. My wake-up call came with an urgent message I couldn’t ignore. I was living a bug’s life—and not much more.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

If Obama was an Exterminator

Suppose that Mrs. Jones were to call Obama the exterminator about a flea infestation. What would he do? First, he’d send his perfectly fine pick-up truck to the car crusher. Then, he’d go out and purchase an energy efficient electric car. Next, he’d set up an interview with Mrs. Jones regarding her alleged flea infestation. After determining that she had a legitimate flea problem, he’d begin developing a fool-proof flea eradication plan.

First, he’d closely scrutinize his circle of PETA friends, looking for the best person to handle the job. Then approximately nine months after the initial call from Mrs. Jones, he’d appoint a radical flea-caring activist as his Flea Czar. This highly paid Czar would be assigned to oversee the flea eradication program at Mrs. Jones house. He’d then make a passionate offer to the population of fleas in Mrs. Jones’ house, asking them to open up a line of diologue with no pre-conditions. If the talks were to break down, Obama would ask the United Nations to send in teams of inspectors to verify that the fleas’ intentions were of a peaceful nature. The fleas’ activities would have to be restricted to feeding only on the household mice and rats, and leaving the family pets alone. In the event that the fleas were to continue attacking the household cats and dogs, Obama would threaten to implement tough new sanctions against the fleas by removing the family pets from the house and insuring that no other cats or dogs would be able come on the property.

Should the above measures fail, Obama would set up a National Flea Health Control program with a mandatory public option. If Mrs. Jones felt that the services of private pest control companies were entirely too expensive, taxes would be levied on all Americans according to their income. After the National Flea Health Control program was fully implemented, Obama would arrange for end-of-life discussions to be held with Mrs. Jones’ defiant flea population. Once the fleas had been convinced that they had already lived a long and fulfilling life, they would be directed to check in at a local government-sponsored assisted suicide clinic.

After setting up his program, Obama would expect to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his brave innovations in the humane treatment of fleas.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Is your government in the business of attacking Family Values?

The 2010 Omnibus Appropriations bill passed by Congress and signed by the President may have some disturbing effects on the future of family values. With little fanfare, provisions within this law have the potential to devalue life, weaken our society and undermine our families.

Among the provisions of the law are the following:

Abstinence-based education programs were defunded and replaced with condom-based sex education programs.

A needle exchange program was funded which will allow drug addicts to exchange their used needles for new needles. Out-of-control political correctness is now causing our law makers to down-play the illegality of drug usage, and instead enabling the harmful activity by suggesting that they are in the business of preventing the spread of infections.

So-called Family Planning funding has been increased from $10 million to over $300 million, with the largest recipient being Planned Parenthood.

Through the back door, this new law is supporting China’s mandatory one-child policy.

Public funding for abortions in Washington D.C. was enabled.

A legalized medical marijuana provision was inserted into the law.

Step-by-step, our government is attacking our basic family values. For an in-depth view of the attack on family values, Read Shadow Truth: The Ultimate Deception by Larry J. Tate. Go to and also go to


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Is Spanking Harmful?

More and more modern parents are abandoning physical punishment of their children, and embracing the more politically-correct timeout, along with other non-physical methods of discipline.

A corporal punishment study was done by Marjorie Gunnoe, professor of psychology at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Her findings, announced early in 2010, stated that claims for not spanking children simply fail to hold up.

She found that children who were physically disciplined actually performed better than those who weren’t disciplined. This included school grades, optimism, outlook on life, willingness to perform volunteer work, and the ambition to attend college. In addition to that, they weren’t any more likely to get involved in fights or become depressed. She also found that children who were never spanked tended to have behavioral problems.

A study done by the University of Akron found that children raised where there is a legal ban on parental corporal punishment more likely to be involved in crime. This study focused on Sweden which implemented a complete ban on physical discipline about 30 years ago. The study found that teen violence tended to increase among children who grew up under the spanking ban.

Other countries, such as Germany, Italy and New Zealand have also adopted bans on spanking. In New Zealand, the use of force to correct children actually entails criminal penalties. In that country, a parent isn’t even permitted to take a child’s hand and force him to go where the child refuses to go.

There are plenty of feel-good organizations that are promoting anti-spanking policies. In the United States, the National Association of Social Workers states that all physical punishment has harmful effects and should be stopped. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that spanking is less effective than the timeout. In 2007, the California government actually attempted to pass legislation to impose a ban on spanking children. Thankfully, that legislation did not become law.

To learn more about non-physical child discipline and other politically-correct tendencies of our modern society, read Shadow Truth: The Ultimate Deception by Larry J. Tate. Go to or

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Obama's Political Correctness at Work

In a move that is being hailed by gays, lesbians and transgendered persons, President Obama made his first appointment of a transgender person to a federal post. Amanda Simpson, formerly known as Mitch, was appointed to be the new Senior Technical Advisor to the Department of Commerce in the first week of January, 2010.

Until this point, Obama walked a fine line when dealing with members of the gay and transgender community. He was widely supported by gay voters in 2008, but soon came under harsh criticism from many of those same proponents for not acting fast or hard enough to expand their rights.

Equality among mankind dictates that discrimination must be done away with. Consequently, we as a nation were right to end discrimination against blacks and women. We were right to guarantee the same rights to housing, jobs and opportunities to every person regardless of their race or gender.

Now, the term "discrimination" is morphing into a new definition. Now, the choice a person makes regarding the gender they want to be is somehow entering the field of "discrimination." Appointing a black person to a high position is a right, thanks to our anti-discrimination laws. However, this latest appointment falls under the "New Political Correctness" frame of mind.

LGBT rights groups are overjoyed at the "progress" being made by this appointment. Amanda claims that he/she is highly qualified for this position, and that qualification should be the only factor to consider for such an appointment. However, he/she is concerned that his/her appointment will be labeled as a token that was hired because of his/her sexual identity rather than on his/her merits. He/she has expressed worries that his/her appointment was merely to fill a quota or to appease the LGBT groups.

One of the first statements of this new appointee is that he/she is excited about the opportunity to see hundreds of other transgenders being promoted as a result of his/her latest appointment.

In looking at many of the President's choices, it is clear that the new political correctness dictated this most recent appointment. The President's choices reflect his promotion of transgenerism. This new definition of discrimination is deconstructing one of the most fundamental concepts known to mankind. This appontment, and other similar appointments are effectively asking the rest of society to radically reorder the ways in which our culture views "gender."

To see where this sort of re-definition of discrimination is taking us, read "Shadow Truth: The Ultimate Deception" by Larry J. Tate. For further information, go to or go to

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Today's Issues

Uncertainty seems to the in everyone’s thoughts today. Where are we today? How did we get to where we are now? Where are we going tomorrow? Is our nation heading for a decline?

Troubling issues are swirling around us and throwing us around like a tornado. We hear that human-caused Global Warming is going to change the face of the earth. On the other hand, we are witnessing record-low temperatures. Scientists and politicians on one side are debunking those on the other side. We, the common people are getting dizzy trying to choose which side is the right side.

The stock market is in free-fall. Gasoline prices went through the roof. Then they went to the basement. To hear our politicians talk, we would be led to believe that fuel prices need to go back up again. What? Up again?

Banks and insurance companies are failing. Auto makers are on the brink of bankruptcy. Housing prices are falling. The government is printing money and bailing out failing entities. The dollar is growing weak when compared to other world currencies. Our leaders are developing financial recovery plans. Economic fears are discussed in nearly every news article we see. Many of our leaders believe we need to pay more taxes. Others say we need to implement Universal Health Care. Social Security is said to be insolvent.

How can we deal with all of these uncertainties? Many answers are being suggested. Debates are getting heated. Which answer is the best answer? Who really knows?

Our government is going forward with its intended cure for our many ills. Is that good enough? As always we, the people should not sit idly by while others make our decisions for us. Each and every one of us has the responsibility to make our own decisions for our own future. Don’t wait for others to decide our fate. Do what our forefathers did in the face of adversity: press forward and do everything you know to do for yourself, your family, and your community. Make good decisions and go forward with your life.

There are many answers to the world’s problems. But, the most important answer is becoming increasingly overlooked. The most stabilizing force in the world is a deep and profound belief in God. Our proof-oriented society is drifting toward discarding a walk with God that was an important part of our fore-father’s lives. In addition to moving forward and doing all we know to do for our financial lives, we must also live for God like we have never done before.

God’s blessings will overtake us as individuals, as a nation, and as a world. Today’s issues will begin dissolving before our very eyes.

Larry Tate

An Open Letter to the Nation of Israel

The nation of Israel was created by God. It's borders were pre-determined by God. God promised Abraham that his seed would have possession of that land. The land was conquered by the Hebrew people when by faith, they marched into the land and faced their enemies. They realized that as they raised their swords and attacked their emenies, God was working through their swords to destroy the enemy. Any of the land that was not thoroughly conquered at that time was inexorably linked to their level of faith and God's promise.

Through faith, determination, extreme effort and God's will, you have reclaimed much of your rightful land. Now, it seems as though the whole world is standing against you and your rights to that God-given land. Those who oppose you are your Philistenes; they are your Amalekites, your Hittites, your Jebusites, and your Amorites. The ten spies saw the mighty enemies in their walled cities; but Joshua and Caleb looked through the enemies as though they were mere apparitions, and saw the mighty power of God's promise. Remember Joshua's words to the Hebrew people:..."neither fear ye the people of the land...their defense is departed from them, and the Lord is with us: fear them not." Numbers 14:9 (KJV)

As you now face the opposition and the hate of the world, do not fear; do not back down. The world's power and might does not matter. The only thing that matters is your faith in God's promises, and your determination to step out and face your mighty enemies regardless of the odds against you.

Nation of Israel--do not back down to the pressures and intimidation placed on you by the nations of the world. Their power and might is backed up only by human strength and knowledge. Your own power and might is backed up by God's strength and His knowledge. Nation of Israel--protect and defend your currently occupied territories. Surge forward and conquer the remaining portions of your territory that was promised to your father, Abraham. You cannot fall; you cannot fail. You are predestined to be the seat of power from which the whole world will be ruled. Take your rightful place. Become the nation God intended you to be. Read "The Journey."

Timeline of the journey to the Promised Land

For many interesting details, read The Journey: Searching for the Promised Land by Larry J. Tate. More information on this exciting book can be found at

The Hebrews were stranded for over 400 years in the Land of Egypt. Tradition told them that there was a Promised Land out there somewhere. However, there was a vast wilderness between them and their Promised Land, also known as Canaan.

To their South and West was a great desert. To their East was a barren wilderness known as Sinai. To their North was the Great Sea. Between them and their rumored Promised Land was the Red Sea, the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba, along with plenty of desert and mountains.

Six hundred thirty-five years earlier, Abraham had been promised that his seed would take possession of the fertile land of Canaan. The land spread East to West from the Great Sea to the Dead Sea. The southern border ran from the northern tip of the Gulf of Aqaba to just below Gaza. The northern border was near Hamath.

Isaac was born when Abraham was one hundred years old. Jacob was born when Isaac was sixty years old.

Jacobs Sons
By Leah: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issacher, Zebulun
By Bilhah: Dan, Naphtali
By Zilpah: Gad, Asher
By Rachael: Joseph, Benjamin

Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. Joseph’s sons were Manaseh and Ephriam. In Egypt, he found favor with Pharaoh and rose to second in command. Eventually, the entire 70 descendents of Jacob come to live in Egypt. There, Pharaoh offered the best of the Egyptian land to the Children of Israel.

Over a period of 430 years from arrival to the Exodus, Israel multiplied. Many Pharaohs came and went. Eventually, the Pharaohs no longer felt any obligation to the Children of Israel, and became fearful of their prosperity and numbers. So eventually, one of the Pharaohs forced them into slavery. The harder they were worked, the more they multiplied. Pharaoh ordered Israeli midwives to kill all new-born boys, but they refused. Pharaoh then ordered his own people to throw all new-born boys into the Nile.

Moses was born in the house of Levi. Moses was hidden in a basket along the bank of the Nile. Pharaoh’s daughter found Moses and he was raised in Pharaoh’s house.

As an adult, Moses kills an Egyptian who had been beating a Jew. Then one day when he asked two Hebrews why they were fighting each other, one of them asked him if he was gong to kill him also. Pharaoh heard of the incident and tried to kill Moses. Moses fled to Midian. There he married Zipporah.

Moses and his brother Aaron meet with Pharaoh and plead for the Hebrew’s release.
Through a series of denials, there were many plagues. At the first meeting Moses went in and simply asked for the Hebrews to be freed. At this point, Pharaoh ordered the Hebrews to get their own straw.

During the second meeting, Moses Rod became a serpent.

After the third meeting, the Nile River turned to blood. Moses and Aaron met Pharaoh on the shore of the Nile River. Aaron had earlier turned his walking stick into a snake but the King’s magicians had been able to duplicate that. Moses told Pharaoh that he would show him God’s power. Aaron held his stick over the river and the water turned into blood. The fish all died and there was blood everywhere in Egypt where there should have been water. The king’s magicians were able to duplicate the feat and Pharaoh refused Moses’ request.

Seven days later, the fourth meeting resulted in the plague of the frogs. God told Moses: “Go to the king and tell him that the Lord says, ‘Let my people go, so that they can worship me. If you refuse, I will punish your country by covering it with frogs.’” So Aaron held his walking stick over the river and an abundance of frogs came out onto the land. They were everywhere, even in the palace. The magicians were able to repeat the trick but Pharaoh had to summon Moses and ask him to get rid of the frogs. Pharaoh promised to let the people go if Moses would ask his God to remove the frogs. The frogs were removed but the king changed his mind and refused to let Moses lead them out.

The fifth meeting resulted in the plague of the gnats. Aaron struck the ground with his stick and all the dust of Egypt was turned into gnats. There were gnats everywhere and the magicians of Egypt could not duplicate it. The magicians told Pharaoh that God had done it but he refused to let the people go.

The sixth meeting resulted in the plague of the flies. Moses and Aaron approached the king again to let the Israelites go and worship in the desert. He threatened the Pharaoh with an infestation of flies if he didn’t comply. This time a distinction was made between the Egyptians and the Jews. The flies would not bother the Jews. The next day God sent flies everywhere in Egypt except Goshen, where the Israelites were. Pharaoh promised to let the people go if Moses would just get rid of the flies. Moses prayed to God and every fly died. The King remained stubborn and still would not let them go.

The seventh meeting resulted in a plague on the cattle of Egypt. This plague caused the death of all of the Egyptian’s livestock, horses, sheep, camels, goats, donkeys and cattle. None of the Israelite’s animals were touched. The king remained steadfast and would not let them go.

The eighth meeting resulted in the plague of boils. The Lord told Moses to take a handful of ashes from a furnace and throw the ashes up into the air. The ash spread all over Egypt and everyone had boils and open sores. The magicians would not come to the king because they were too sore with their boils. The king remained adamant because now God was making him stubborn.

The ninth meeting resulted in the plague of hail. A massive hailstorm was next on the agenda. The king was warned that everyone should stay inside to avoid being killed by hailstones. The hail destroyed the crops in the field and killed the people who didn’t heed the warning. It hailed everywhere in Egypt except Goshen. Pharaoh begged Moses to ask God to stop the hail and he would let the people go. Moses prayed and the hail stopped but Pharaoh still would not let them go.

The tenth meeting resulted in the plague of locusts. Moses and Aaron went to see Pharaoh again. Pharaoh was willing to let the Jewish men go into the desert to worship, but not the women and children. Moses refused and the king denied his request. So God sent a cloud of locusts that covered the land and ate everything that the hail had not destroyed. “Not a green thing was left on any tree or plant in all the land of Egypt.” God continued to harden Pharaoh’s heart and he would not let the people go.

The eleventh meeting resulted in the plague of darkness. God told Moses to raise his hand toward the sky and darkness would fall on Egypt. There was total darkness in all of Egypt for three days. Only the children of Israel had light. Pharaoh offered to let the people go but not their animals. Moses refused that offer and the king told him that he never wanted to see him again.

The twelfth meeting resulted in the death of all firstborn males. Moses told the king that every firstborn would be killed. Everyone from the Pharaoh’s son to the slave woman’s son would die. God instructed Moses to tell his people to make sure every household had a lamb or goat, a one-year-old male without any defects. On the given day, they were to slaughter, cook and eat the animal and put its blood on their doorposts. The angel of death would see the blood when he came to kill the firstborn and would “pass over” when he saw the blood. All of the firstborn of people and animals of the Egyptians died that night and Pharaoh sent the Israelites away.

After the plague of the firstborn, Pharaoh permitted Moses and the Hebrew nation to leave Egypt. They could not take any short cuts to the Promised Land. The shortest route was known as the Way of the Philistines. It was just a ten day journey (216 miles). This primary highway may have had Egyptian forts, making usage of the highway improbable for the Hebrews to use. There were two other primary highways that could have been taken, but were not. One was the Way of Shur, and the other was the Way to Arabia. But Moses chose to lead 600,000 men plus women, children and livestock through the barren wilderness. There were probably two to three million people following Moses.

The first seven days involved traveling day and night to Succoth where they gathered the bones of Joseph. Then they marched to Etham where they were accompanied by a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day. Then, they marched to Pi Hahiroth on the banks of the Red Sea. Pharaoh was in pursuit of the Hebrews and caught up with them there. He found the Hebrews trapped in the desert between him, the sea, and the mountains.

The Hebrews complained loudly to Moses. Why did they have to die in the desert? It would have been better to be slaves in Egypt. Moses told them to watch what the Lord would do. The cloud settled between the Hebrews and the Egyptian army while the wind dried up the Red Sea during the night. There was darkness on the Egyptian side and light on the Hebrew side. That night they crossed the red sea. After all of the Hebrews made it to the other side, the cloud lifted. The Egyptian army followed through the opening in the sea where they drowned.

They arrived at Marah after 3 days of traveling without water. There, the water was bitter. Moses threw a piece of wood into the water and it became sweet. Then, they arrived at Elim which had 12 springs of water and 70 palms, where they camped. Wilderness of Sin. There, they bitterly complained to Moses about lack of food. They said that in Egypt they were surrounded by pots of food all of the time. God sent Quail and Manna sent by God.

Then, they marched 39 days to Rephidam. Again, there was no water and they bitterly complained, asking “is God among us or not.” Moses took the elders and walked on beyond the people to Horeb where he struck the rock and got water. While here they were attacked by the Amelikites. Joshua led the fighters to battle. Moses stood on a hill and held his hands in the air. They won that battle.

They camped in Desert of Sinai near Mount Sinai. Moses father in law, Jethro came to visit Moses. Jethro recommended that Moses appoint judges over 1000’s, 100’s, 50’s and 10’s.
Then, they marched toward Mt. Sinai for about 3 days. It was a total of 49 days to Mt. Sinai from Egypt. They camped in the desert in front of the mountain. Moses met God on the mountain where there was thunder, lightning, trembling and trumpet blasts. It was at this point that the Ten Commandments were given. Moses went up on mountain for 40 days where he received the tablets. People thought he had disappeared. They asked Aaron to make gods who will lead them. Aaron made an idol shaped like a golden calf. The people worshiped it and sacrificed to it. God threatened to destroy them all. Moses came down and broke the tablets and destroyed the idol. Moses asked the people who believed in him to come to him. Only the Levites came to him. He ordered them to go through the Hebrew camp and kill everyone they can. They killed 3000 people. God put a plague upon the people. Moses went up to the mountain again for another 40 days and came back down with new tablets of the commandments. Then, the camped on a plain two miles east on fertile ground and good pasture. There, the tabernacle and ark were constructed. Their stay at Mount Sinai was about 11 months.

Then, they began their trip to Kadesh Barnea. During that trip they complained about the bland manna. They wanted meat. God sent quail again. God killed the complainers while they were eating the quail. They traveled eleven days to the Desert of Paran. Spies were sent out for forty days. Ten spies came back with a bad report. Only Joshua and Caleb had a good report. The spies with the bad report were struck dead. After that, a group of community leaders defied Moses. They were swallowed up in the earth.

For the next thirty-seven years, the Hebrew nation wandered about in the wilderness. They went to Rimmon Perez, Libnah, Rissah, Keheathah, Mt. Shepher, Haradan, Makhelcth, Tabath, Terah, Michkah, Mosercth, Jaskan, Hagidgad, Jorathah, Abronah, Ezon Geber, and Kadesh where Miraim died. Moses disobeyed God.

In the Fortieth year, they went to Mt Hor at the boundary of Edom where Aaron died. Then, they went around Edom and through Moab. Then, they went to Zalmonah, Punon, Oboth, Dbon Gad, Ihe Abahim (border of Moab), Almon Diblatham, Abarim before Nebo, and the Plains of Moab across from Jordan and Jericho

Go to for additional information about The Journey: Searching for the Promised Land by Larry J. Tate.

The Third Jewish Temple

There have been two temples built on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. King Solomon built the first temple nearly 3,000 years ago. The armies of Nebuchadnezzar destroyed that temple in 586 B.C. The second temple, which was built approximately 70 years later, was destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D.

Along with the destruction of the second temple, the Jewish nation was driven out of their Promised Land. After that, the no-man’s land formerly occupied by the Jews was re-named “Palestine,” for the Philistines who had been Israel’s most bitter enemy. Ironically, the land currently known as the Gaza Strip which is now occupied by the Palestinians is roughly the same strip of land that was occupied by the Philistines which Israel never did acquire the courage to conquer when they were instructed by God to take the land.

Prophecy tells us that the third temple will be built. From a practical stand-point however, it seems to be an impossible objective. After the 1967 Six-Day War, when the Nation of Israel took the City of Jerusalem, they allowed the Muslims to maintain possession and control of the Temple Mount. Today, the Muslims have total control over what can be built on that prized piece of real estate. Before the third temple can be built, there must be a dramatic shift in power regarding the Temple Mount.

We are told that there will some day be a period of peace, and it may be during that period that the third temple will be built. What can bring about that sort of peace? It certainly won’t be the kind of peace that world leaders are trying to negotiate today. An orderly peace conference that is carried out around a negotiating table is nothing but a series of concessions, agreements, promises and money transfers. There is no promise or concession that will ever convince the Muslim world to hand over possession of the Temple Mount to the Nation of Israel.

The only peace agreement that has ever stood the test of time, is one that has been agreed to after one side wins, and another side loses a war. Peace can only achieved through strength. In order for Israel to build the third temple on the Temple Mount, there will have to be a preceding major upheaval and reversing of current situations. At some time or another, Israel will have to make a dramatic statement to the world by subduing the nations in the Middle East.

We all know that the predominant unrest in today’s world is centered in the Middle East. There won’t be any real peace in the world until there is peace in the Middle East; and there won’t be any peace in the Middle East until there is peace in Jerusalem; and there won’t be any peace in Jerusalem until there is peace on the Temple Mount.

How can the tiny nation of Israel bring the whole Middle East into submission? How can Israel tell the whole world that they are a force to be reckoned with? It could very possibly be accomplished by the nuclear destruction of some major city. Will Israel be the only one that delivers that destructive power? Probably not. Most likely, there will be some Western powers that will be working along side of Israel on that mission. It will then be that Israel, backed up by a major world power will be a strong party to some sort of workable peace agreement.

Israel won’t be alone in brokering that peace. Prophecy tells us that there will be one person representing the world powers who will be the key player in negotiating that peace. This one man will at first be viewed as a peace-maker and a problem solver. During that period of time, he will acquire unmatchable international power, allowing him to break the very peace agreement that he brokered.

It may be during that brief period of peace that the third temple will be built. But that period of peace won’t last long. The dark powers of the world know that the third temple plays a key role in the coming of the Messiah. The principalities and powers of darkness will have no intention of permitting Jesus to return and rule the world. But their fate is sealed in prophecy. The temple will be standing; Jesus will return; and evil will be conquered.

The re-building of the Jewish Temple will be accomplished.

Read "The Journey."

Blaise Pascal's Wager

Blaise Pascal was a French mathematician, physicist and religious philosopher in the 1600’s. His probability theory laid the basis for modern economics and social science.

Blaise Pascal is known for Pascal’s Wager, or Pascal’s Gambit. His wager theory is not an actual proof of God’s existence. However after analyzing it, a person has little choice but to live out one’s life as though God does in fact exist.

This simple wager scenario can have a life-changing effect on anyone who honestly studies it. Pascal posed the suggestion that even if a person discards all proofs of God’s existence, he should still live his life as though God does in fact, exist. Why is that? According to Pascal, living one’s life as though God exists has everything to gain, and absolutely nothing to lose. On the other hand, living one’s life as though God does not exist has nothing to gain, and absolutely everything to lose.

It is in Pascal’s Pensees that his wager is detailed. His wager is for all of those who trust neither in faith nor in the logic of reason. Pascal is widely known for the following quote: For after all what is man in nature? A nothing in relation to infinity, and all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.

Pascal did not expect that acceptance of his wager would result in faith, or in salvation. Instead, he expected that acceptance of his wager to result in the beginnings of faith. He wrote, You would like to attain faith, and do not know the way; you would like to cure yourself of unbelief, and ask the remedy for it. Learn of those who have been bound like you, and who now stake all their possessions. These are people who know the way which you would follow, and who are cured of an ill which you would be cured. Follow the way by which they began; by acting as if they believed.

And now, for Pascal’s Wager

God either exists, or He does not exist. This is a fact that cannot be refuted. Every person on the face of the earth is forced to make a wager in life. They must live their lives as though God does exist, or they must live their lives as though God does not exist. It is an absolute impossibility not to make this wager. All of the so-called proofs of God’s existence are in the realm of theory, which cannot be proven beyond the shadow of a doubt. Since reason alone cannot decide the question of God’s existence, one must place a wager on his existence.

The facts are that God exists or he does not exist. And, a person must live his life as though God exists, or as though God does not exist.

Scenario Number One: God does exist.
If a person lives his life as though God exists, and God does in fact, exist, then that person has everything to gain. Eternal life in heaven with God will be the reward. On the other hand, if a person lives his life as though God does not exist, and God does in fact, exist, then that person has everything to lose. Eternal existence in hell will be the punishment.

Scenario Number Two: God does not exist.
If a person lives his life as though God exists, but God does not actually exist, then that person has nothing to gain and nothing to lose. When death overtakes that person, he will simply cease to exist. On the other hand, if a person lives his life as though God does not exist, and God actually does not exit, then that person still has nothing to gain and nothing to lose. When death overtakes that person, he will simply cease to exist.

Below is another way to view this wager for those who would rather see a depiction of it in table-form.

.............................................God exists...........He doesn't exist

Live as if God exists:..............Reward is Heaven...No reward

Live as if God doesn't exist:....Reward is Hell..........No reward

Life’s wager has only three possible outcomes: depending on the person’s choice, he will either 1) have an eternal reward, 2) have an eternal punishment, or 3) simply cease to exist. We are left with one startling revelation. There is only one positive outcome associated with the wager of life.

Imagine a person walking up to a game at a casino. Before he makes a bet, the casino employee says, “There are only two bets in this game. You can bet on Red, or you can bet on Black. If you bet on Red, you will either win a fabulous reward, or you will break even. On the other hand, if you bet on Black, you will either lose everything, or you will break even.” The bettor would be a fool to bet on Black because there is absolutely no chance of winning. Red would be the only bet that has any chance of winning. It is the same with the wager of life. There is only one wager with a positive outcome, living life as though God does exist!

If you are a living and breathing person, you are making a wager on your life. You are either living as though God exists, or you are living as though God does not exist. There are no other choices. There is only one positive outcome available for your wager. Which wager are you making on your life?

For an easy-to-understand depiction of this wager scenario, along with other proofs of God’s existence, read my book, Conversations with a Stranger: A Search for God.

The Five Ways of St. Thomas Aquinas

St. Thomas Aquinas was a Christian philosopher in the 1200’s. He is known for his Summa Theologica and his Five Ways of proving God’s existence: The Unmoved Mover, The Argument of the First Cause, The Argument from Contingency, The Argument from Degree (or Perfection), and The Argument of Intelligent Design.

The Unmoved Mover

The Argument of the Unmoved Mover tries to explain that God must be the cause of motion in the universe. This argument is the first of St. Thomas Aquinas’ Five Ways. His Argument from Motion is based on the observation that any object had to have some other object or force to put it into motion.

An interpretation of his argument goes as follows:

1. Some things are in motion.
2. Whatever is in motion is put in motion by something else.
3. Whatever put that object in motion must itself be put in motion by something else.
4. Through a chain of events, each object moving another object must have been moved by yet another object further in the past.
5. There cannot be an endless chain of moving events going on to infinity.
6. Without a first mover, there would be no motion.
7. Therefore, it is necessary to arrive at a first mover; a first mover put in motion by no other.
8. This first mover is God.

The Argument of the First Cause

The Argument of the First Cause is the second of St. Thomas Aquinas’ Five Ways. The argument of the first cause tries to prove that God must have been the cause, or the creator of the universe. It is therefore a form of the cosmological argument. The argument states that no object is capable of creating its own self. Every created object had to be created by something or someone else. Going back in time, there had to be the first creator. This first creator could not itself, have been created. A similar philosophy is discussed by St. Augustine.

An interpretation of his argument goes as follows:

1. All things and beings that exist are caused by other things.
2. Nothing can be the cause of its own self. If so, it would exist prior to itself.
3. Through a chain of events, each object of being causing the existence of another object or being, must have been caused by yet another object or being.
4. There cannot be an endless chain of objects or beings causing the existence of other objects or beings.
5. Without a first cause, there would be no objects or beings in existence today.
6. Therefore, it is necessary to arrive at a first cause; a first cause which is caused by no other.
7. This first cause is God.

Another philosopher who spoke out on this subject was Avicenna. According to Avicenna, the universe consists of a chain of actual beings, each giving existence to the one below it and responsible for the existence of the rest of the chain below. Due to the fact that there cannot be an infinite past to our universe, the chain as a whole must terminate in a being that is wholly simple and one, whose essence is its very existence and therefore is self-sufficient and not in need of something else to give it existence. For an enlightening understanding on the impossibility of an infinite past, read the novel, Conversations with a Stranger.

The Argument from Contingency and Necessary Objects

The Argument from Contingency and Necessary Objects is the third of St. Thomas Aquinas’ Five Ways. There are only two kinds of objects in existence: contingent beings and necessary beings. A contingent being is an object or being that cannot exist without a necessary being causing its existence.

An interpretation of his argument goes as follows:

1. Many things in the universe may either exist or not exist. Such things are called contingent beings.
2. It is impossible for everything in the universe to be contingent, for then there would be a time when nothing existed, and so nothing would exist now, since there would be nothing to bring anything into existence, which is clearly false.
3. Therefore, there must be a necessary being whose existence is not contingent on any other being or beings.
4. This being is God.

Another way of stating the argument is as follows:

1. We find things (beings) are possible to be, and possible not to be.
2. That which is possible not to be, at some time is not.
3. If everything is possible not to be, then at one time there could have been nothing in existence.
4. If there was a time when nothing was in existence, then even now there would be nothing in existence because that which does not exist only begins to exist by something else already existing.
5. Therefore, not all beings are merely possible.
6. There must exist something, the existence of which is necessary.
7. This necessary being must have of itself its own necessity, and not receiving it from another.
8. This necessary being is God.

The Argument from Degree, or The Perfect One

The Argument from Degree is St. Thomas Aquinas’ Fourth Way, in which the qualities of all things are judged by something else.

An interpretation of his argument goes as follows:

1. Everything that exists has certain qualities, such as whiteness, greatness and goodness.
2. Among beings, there are some that are more or less of certain qualities, such as: more or less good, true, great, tall, large and hot.
3. For something to be more or less of a certain quality, there must exist something that is the ultimate of that quality, such as: the hottest, the largest, the best, the tallest, and the whitest.
4. If anything is great, there must exist something that is the greatest. If anything is hot, there must exist something that is the hottest. If anything is good, there must exist something that is the most good.
5. Among things in existence, anything which seems to contain the greatest of a certain quality will eventually be replaced by another thing that contains an even greater of that certain quality. 6. There must exist something which expresses the greatest of all qualities by which all other things are judged and compared.
7. This being that expresses the greatest of all qualities is the Perfect One.
8. The Perfect One is God.

The Intelligent Designer

The Intelligent Designer is St. Thomas Aquinas’ Fifth Way. A similar philosophy is found in Paley’s Teleological Argument. This argument suggests that all things must be designed by an intelligent designer. The main idea of this argument is that there exists so much intricate detail, design, and purpose in the world that we must suppose a creator. All of the sophistication and incredible detail we observe in nature could not have occurred by chance. By observing the fulfillment of purpose in nature, the teleological argument moves to the conclusion that there must be a designer.

An interpretation of this argument goes as follows:

1. There are things which lack intelligence.
2. Nevertheless, these things act for an end, by acting in the same way, so as to obtain the best result.
3. It is by design that they act in such a manner as to achieve their end.
4. Whatever lacks intelligence cannot move toward an end on its own. It must be directed by some being endowed with knowledge and intelligence.
5. Therefore some intelligent being exists by whom all things are directed to their end.
6. This Intelligent Being is God.

Another way of stating the argument is as follows:

1. Human artifacts are products of intelligent design.
2. The universe resembles human artifacts.
3. Therefore, the universe is a product of intelligent design.
4. But, the universe is complex and gigantic in comparison to human artifacts.
5. Therefore, there probably is a powerful and vastly intelligent designer who created the universe.
6. This intelligent designer is God.

St. Anselm's Ontological Argument

The Greater is St. Anselm’s Ontological Argument. St. Anselm was a Christian philosopher around the year 1100 A.D. His argument is based on reason alone. Rene Descartes had a similar Ontological Argument.

An interpretation of this argument goes as follows:

1. God is a being in which none greater is possible.
2. The concept of God exists in one’s mind.
3. It is possible that God may also exist in reality.
4. It is greater for a thing to exist in both the mind and in reality than in the mind alone.
5. If God exists in the mind only, then a greater than God could be thought, because one could think of God in reality, in addition to being in the mind alone.
6. It cannot be that God exists in the mind only, because God is a being in which a greater is not possible.
7. Therefore, God exists in the mind and in reality.

Don’t bother me with the little stuff. I’m the President

  • Our President doesn’t have a clue when it comes to the whereabouts of Air Force One, but on the other hand, he’s involved in approving every shot the military fires. The following transcript recently surfaced:

    Secret Service: Pardon me, Mr. President, does it matter to you what we do with Air Force One?
    Obama: (Obama lays the phone down). What are you talking about?
    Secret Service: We would like to take it out for a photo-opt.
    Obama: Why are you asking me?
    Secret Service: Well Sir, I thought you would always want to know where Air Force One is at.
    Obama: That’s what you get for thinking. I’m too busy attending to the people’s business to think about small matters like that. I’ve got important business to take care of.
    Secret Service: What is that, Sir?
    Obama: Don’t you realize that I’m the Commander in Chief?
    Secret Service: Yes, Sir.
    Obama: Okay. Then let me do my job.
    Secret Service: What are you working on, Sir?
    Obama: (Obama sighs).This is why I’m President and you’re not. I’m about to take out some Somali Pirates.
    Secret Service: So you don’t care if we take it off the tarmac?
    Obama: Take what off the tarmac?
    Secret Service: Air Force One, Sir.
    Obama: Oh, we’re still talking about that? I’m a delegator, son. Can’t you have a little discretion of your own?
    Secret Service: We just don’t want to do something we’re not supposed to do.
    Obama: Can’t you see that I’m on the phone doing urgent national security business?
    Secret Service: I’m sorry, Sir. I’ll be quick. What about the fuel, Sir?
    Obama: What’s it going to cost?
    Secret Service: Oh, about $320,000.
    Obama: Is that all?
    Secret Service: Sir?
    Obama: I’m just joking. Here, use this CITGO credit card that my friend Hugo Chavez gave me.
    Secret Service: You don’t care where we’re taking Air Force One?
    Obama: No, I trust you. Have fun. Now, leave me alone so I can take care of some very important National Security issues.
    Secret Service: Yes, Sir. (Secret Service leaves the room).
    Obama: (Obama picks up the phone). Sorry about the interruption, son. Do you have a good shot at those Somali Pirates?
    Navy Seal: Yes, Sir. The rough seas have settled down. Should we shoot now?
    Obama: Oh, good grief. No, don’t shoot now.
    Navy Seal: Sir, we may miss our only opportunity.
    Obama: How am I going to look to the American people if this seems to be as simple as a little more than back yard target practice? I am a President who solves catastrophes and impossible situations. I want this to look difficult, son. Do you understand?
    Navy Seal: Yes, Sir.
    Obama: Let’s wait until the seas are rough again. A good shot in high seas is what I want. Then I will be admired the way I should be.
    Navy Seal: Okay sir, the seas are coming up again. Should we shoot?
    Obama: How high are the seas?
    Navy Seal: Eight feet and rising, sir.
    Obama: Do you have a good shot?
    Navy Seal: It’s difficult sir. Just as we get them in our crosshairs, we lose them again.
    Obama: Now that’s what I want. Okay son, take the shot when you can.
    Navy Seal: Yes, Sir. (Shots heard) Sir, we got them all. I don’t know how we did it, but we did.
    Obama: Great, son. Now that’s what I call a rush. It’s really cool being Commander in Chief.
    Navy Seal: What did you say, sir?
    Obama: Never mind, son. Just transfer me to the ship's cook.
    Navy Seal: The cook, sir?
    Obama: Yes, the cook. I’m the President of the people. I want to be involved in every part of everyone's lives.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Shadow Truth: The Ultimate Deception

Shadow Truth is a frank depiction of societal and political evolution. Everywhere we look, we find customs, laws, policies and other conditions that cause us scratch our heads and ask, “How did we as a society get to where we are now?”

All one has to do, is open the morning paper or listen to the news on any given day. The headlines are filled with events that just don’t seem right. Long standing traditions, laws and policies are falling to the wayside like autumn tree leaves. Political Correctness has become a worthy goal of our rapidly evolving society.

Instead of wishing a person, “Merry Christmas,” we are now being indoctrinated to offer a more politically-correct, “Happy Holidays.” Prayer and Bible reading on school property is becoming taboo. Prayer at public gatherings can no longer include references to Jesus Christ. Lawsuits are being filed regarding the phrase, “Under God” in our Pledge of Allegiance because such words violate children’s rights to be free from a coercive requirement to affirm God. “Separation of Church and State” has become a never-ending issue of contention.

It seems that without warning, we as a society came to celebrate lifestyles that we once considered to be very wrong. Today, homosexuality is honored and promoted. We see headlines about step-parents losing their rights to nurture children in their care because of their refusal to indoctrinate the children into the pro-homosexuality lifestyle. We hear on the news that some of our schools are now providing birth control to eleven year olds without parental knowledge or consent. Respect for life is losing favor among the people. Abortion and euthanasia are now considered to be an individual’s choice.

Much of the world has embraced the concept of Socialism. Surprisingly, the United States appears to be chomping at the bit to travel down that same road. Every day it seems that our society is increasingly creating an environment that encourages people not to work. The desire to excel is being eliminated from our schools. Playground activities that result in winners and losers are being curtailed. Valedictorian honors that go to just one student are now considered as unhealthy competition. Entitlement seems to be the new philosophy of society. Young mothers are encouraged to stay single so that they can be paid to have children. The concept of re-distribution of wealth is rapidly gaining support. The Global Warming agenda is causing the world to re-examine the “benefits” of Globalism and One World Government.

We have been seduced into falling for the most cunning deception known to man. We got to where we are through a seemingly logical progression of societal change. This change is being brought about through a particular development of policies and beliefs. There is a common thread of deceit passing through seemingly unrelated issues affecting our society today. This thread of deceit is called Shadow Truth. Our great land is now locked in the firm grip of Shadow Truth Deception. How is it that so many people in our society are falling for, and accepting such obviously wrong policies? How is it that we find ourselves obligated to comply with, and be subjected to such policies? How is it that we can be threatened by lawsuits if we refuse to comply with some of Shadow Truth’s newly implemented policies? How can these deceptive things be accepted by the mainstream of today’s society without so much as a whimper? How is it that we can wake up and realize that we have completely lost control of the world we live in? Are we so blind that we can allow this to happen to us?

Read Shadow Truth: The Ultimate Deception, and discover the common thread of deceit traversing the seemingly unrelated evolutionary changes that are occurring every day before our very eyes.

To Order: Go to or order directly from Amazon by going to:

The Journey: Searching for the Promised Land

We’ve all heard the story of the Exodus journey. It is one of the most often-told stories from the Bible. We can practically recite it word for word. But, do we really know what the Exodus story is about?

"The Journey" is a novel which paints a vivid picture of the Exodus Journey from a vantage point not often visualized. Most discussions of the Exodus story are based on Moses’ perspective, what Moses did, and what Moses thought about the unruly and unbelieving Hebrew people he was asked to guide to the Promised Land.

This book is focused on one Hebrew family out of several million people who actually followed Moses out of Egypt and on to the Promised Land. The reader is drawn into the mindset of the common Hebrew, as the basis for the people’s lack of faith and their resulting rebellion unfolds before your eyes.

One day, an un-adored and distrusted man named Moses appeared in the land of Goshen. He announced that he had great plans for the Hebrew nation. On the surface, his plans sounded great, but in practice the people felt that Moses caused more and more hardships as he brought down plague upon plague on the land of Egypt. Finally allowed to leave Egypt behind, the Hebrews encountered difficulties and conflicts at every turn. What should have been a ten-day journey turned into forty years of meager existence in a barren wilderness.

Who was this man named Moses who managed to convince an entire nation to follow him? This is the story of a Hebrew family that journeyed from Egypt to the Promised Land. Without the advantage of radio, TV or newspapers, the typical Hebrew person probably never had a chance to hear Moses speak. Many of the millions of Hebrew people may not have even had the opportunity to see Moses as they made their way across the vast wilderness between Egypt and the Promised Land. Most everyone had to rely on messengers, hearsay and rumors for news and information regarding their seemingly unending journey.

Hunger, thirst, discouragement, doubt and fear permeated the weary traveling Hebrew nation like an uncontrollable plague. Shai was a confused Hebrew boy who was subjected to a host of unending grumbling and complaining from his father, his uncle and most everyone else he knew.

On the other hand, his grandmother was a beacon of light, teaching faith, hope and responsibility to her confused grandson. What could she possibly tell her grandson that would counteract the overwhelming and unending series of negative events that rolled over the Hebrews like a hurricane? What did she tell him that propelled him to the right hand of Joshua, the future leader of Israel? What did his grandmother know, that cultivated Shai’s life into that of an overcomer? Shai’s grandmother knew something profound. She imparted knowledge and wisdom that many of today’s Christians may have forgotten.

The reader soon realizes that The Journey is not a story about a people’s journey to another land; and it is not a story about a great man of God named Moses. It is a story about you and me. It is a story about our journey to the realization of the many gifts that God has promised us. Read The Journey and understand it in the way God wanted you to know it: a story about you; and the problems you face every day. The Journey is about your unpaid bills. It is about your struggling business. It’s about that elusive pay raise you’ve been wanting. It is about the difficulties you’ve been having with your family. After reading The Journey, you may find yourself with a vastly different viewpoint on life, and the many obstacles you face every day. Any study of exodus or study on exodus should include this insightful view of the wilderness journey.
Order at This book is also offered at