Thursday, April 24, 2008

No Christmas Decorations on Campus are Permitted

In 2008, Florida Gulf Coast University decided to ban all holiday decorations from common spaces on campus. Prior to this incident, the Christmas tree had already been referred to as a sensitive-sounding, “giving tree” due to someone’s effort to adhere to political correctness. However in 2008, that area had been renamed, “giving garden.” After an upheaval from employees, the university eventually allowed staffers to display Christmas decorations on their desks, but not on their office doors, or in common areas.

Who is giving in to the belligerent demands of the humanist minority? It is the Christians who are giving in, and they are the majority segment of the American population. What we seem to be forgetting is that Christmas is our celebration! Christmas isn’t about Buddhists, Moslems, secularists or atheists. Christmas is not about the Winter Solstice either. Christmas is about the birth of Christ and nothing else. Yes, other groups may have holidays of their own around the same time of the year, but we are forgetting that those others are in the minority. Just as majority rule determines who our elected leaders will be, majority rule should be the only determination used to consider the manner in which we celebrate our holidays. If the secularists or the minority religions ever become the majority, then they will be able to make their own determination on how to celebrate the holidays. It is an alarming irony that if Christians don’t begin standing up for their rights, the secularists will soon become the majority.

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