Thursday, April 22, 2010

National Day of Prayer is Unconstitutional

On April 15, 2010, U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb of Wisconsin ruled that the National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional. Bowing to the loud voice of The Freedom From Religion Foundation, a group of atheists and agnostics, she determined that the federal law establishing a National Day of Prayer violates the “establishment of religion” clause of the Constitution. The Crabb ruling generated outright glee among atheists, agnostics and others who decry any government acknowledgement of any religion as a danger.

Despite the fact that the National Day of Prayer law compels no one to pray, mandates no expenditure of federal tax dollars, is not made a part of public school curriculums and establishes no penalty whatsoever for those who choose to ignore the day, the federal judge said the law didn’t pass constitutional muster.

“It goes beyond mere ‘acknowledgment’ of religion because its sole purpose is to encourage all citizens to engage in prayer, an inherently religious exercise that serves no secular function in this context,” Crabb wrote.

The National Day of Prayer has roots back to the Continental Congress in 1775, but was officially established by an act of Congress — which established the day in 1952 during the Truman administration.

The federal judge’s ruling was the result of a very vocal segment of our society that is bent on forcing faith out of the public square. It’s all about a movement to establish a nation that is free from religion. Although this nation is currently made up of a Christian majority, such rulings are becoming law due to the fact that our “Closet Christians” refuse to speak their minds.

For an in-depth understanding of society’s slow, but gradual move to the left, read Shadow Truth: The Ultimate Deception by Larry J. Tate. Go to for ordering information.

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