Monday, April 26, 2010

Oklahoma Approves One Of The Nation's Strictest Anti-Abortion Laws

On April 27, 2010 the Oklahoma House voted to override a veto of an abortion measure that Governor Brad Henry has called an unconstitutional intrusion into citizens' private lives and decisions. The Center for Reproductive Rights, a national abortion rights group, calls it among the nation's strictest anti-abortion measures.

The measure requires women to undergo an ultrasound and listen to a detailed description of the fetus before getting an abortion. It is hoped that with this new law in place, women will view the fetus for what it really is, a living unborn human, and not just some sort of obtrusive and unwanted mass of tissue.

Governor Henry is often on the wrong side of conservative issues. In his defense however, he has recently signed laws requiring clinics to post signs stating a woman cannot be forced to have an abortion, stating that an abortion will not be performed until the woman gives her voluntary consent, and that abortions based on child's gender are illegal.

Nebraska also put new restrictions on abortion this month, enacting a law that bars the procedure at and after 20 weeks of pregnancy based on the assertion that fetuses can feel pain at that point.

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